101 Mobility Long Island Franchise Goes Above and Beyond for Project Lifesaver

John Michielini, the 101 Mobility® Long Island franchisee, donated two Project Lifesaver (PLI) bracelets to local families. We recently sat down with John to learn more about his involvement.
Project Lifesaver, a 501 (C)(3) non-profit organization, designs special technology and training programs to help save the lives of people who wander from home due to conditions like dementia, autism, and Down syndrome. PLI users wear bracelets that emit unique tracking signals for first responders to quickly find and recover users. PLI clients are typically found within 30 minutes ̶ 95% faster than standard operations.
How did you hear about Project Lifesaver?
During a National Aging in Place Council – Long Island meeting, the local Sheriff came in to speak about Project Lifesaver. At the end of the meeting, I walked up to the Sheriff to order two bracelets for donation.
What triggered the spontaneous reaction?
When I realized that someone’s loved one can disappear so easily and even lose a life and that it could all be prevented̶ I knew I wanted to help. That could be my family or one of my customers! So far one bracelet has been placed with a great family here in Long Island who actually reached out to me, their six-year-old son has autism. The other Lifesaver will be placed with a local elderly individual.
Were you able to meet the child who now has a Lifesaver bracelet?
I hope there will be a time and place to meet with the family. The boy’s mother sent me a photo of her six-year-old son relaxed and enjoying a cartoon with the Lifesaver bracelet on. She also sent a thoughtful letter, explaining that even with three extra door locks and an ear-piercing alarm, her son managed to wander away from home twice.
The family was incredibly gracious. The recipient’s grandmother even found my website and sent a web inquiry all the way from Florida, thanking me for potentially saving her grandson’s life. Receiving those unexpected notes was truly amazing.
How does it feel to use your 101 Mobility® Franchised Business as a vehicle to help others?
I used to work on Wall Street where I just helped other businesses. Giving back has always been important, but now that I have children it means much more. I am setting an example for them. Everything we do at our local Long Island 101 Mobility® franchised business is with the intention of helping an individual and improving their quality of life.
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