Veterans Vote 101 Mobility a Top Franchise for Veterans in Franchise Business Review

You’ve done your duty. Over the past several years, you were there to serve our country day in and day out; making your family, your friends, and your nation proud. But now that you find yourself coming back home from the military, you’ve come under a new set of challenges – how to take on the business world.
So, where do you begin?
Franchise Business Review, a national franchisee satisfaction market research firm, recently announced that 101 Mobility was one of the Top 100 Franchises for Veterans. 101 Mobility, a leading provider of mobility and accessibility solutions throughout the nation, was also showcased on the issue’s cover.
“It is extremely rewarding to have an opportunity to give back to those who have served our country,” said Dave Pazgan, 101 Mobility’s President. “101 Mobility is all about helping those in need. This fits closely with the same reasons many veterans have chosen to serve – to help others. It’s a natural fit for people who believe in helping others as a vocation.”
Collecting survey data from over 3,000 veteran franchisees representing 285 brands, Franchise Business Review was able to compile the only list of top-rated franchises for veterans as voted by the veteran owners themselves.
“Many franchises entice veterans to invest via special incentives and discounts, but what really matters is what happens after they buy a franchise,” says Michelle Rowan, President of Franchise Business Review. “The franchises featured in our Top Franchises for Veterans report have earned the seal of approval from the veterans who own them.”
Over the next five years, the Labor Department projects that 1.5 million servicemen will leave active duty and begin their search for a new career. Many of these honorable men and women will inherently be drawn to franchising, due to the benefits that owning a franchise entails.
This may be partly because franchising provides veterans with a proven system, the benefits of which they appreciate after having worked within one for so many years. In addition, franchises guarantee veterans the opportunity to simultaneously be in leadership and part of a team – both of which are familiar roles to the men and women of uniform.
According to VetFran, an estimated one in seven franchises within the United States is owned by a veteran. In total, that’s more than 66,000 businesses that directly provide work for 815,000 Americans.
“You’ve got to have a higher calling to get out of bed in the morning,” said Brian Hawkins, a former Marine and current owner of a 101 Mobility franchise in Phoenix, Arizona. “For me, it was talking to our veteran clients and being able to give back to them with the business. With this franchise, I get to hire veterans and serve veterans at the same time. Overall, it’s very rewarding.”
Franchise Business Review claims veteran franchisees can often outperform non-military franchisees due to the skills acquired while serving. The firm also asserts that success is dependent on which franchise brand the veteran chooses as it is on their level of experience.
We are proud to say that 101 Mobility’s making Franchise Business Review’s Top Franchises for Veterans list shows we have earned the respect of our amazing veteran franchisees.
To read the full report, visit
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