
7 Innovative Assistive Apps

August 28, 2014
Close-up of a smartphone screen displaying various app icons, including Messages, App Store, Wallet, Calendar, and Weather. The date shows the 29th. The interface language is Polish.

Just as there are great apps available for caregivers, there are amazing apps available for those with disabilities as well! These 7 are our favorites here at 101 Mobility. Check them out!

  1. TapTapSee: Free on iTunes – TapTapSee helps the blind and visually impaired by identifying objects that they might encounter in their day-to-day lives. When users tap the screen, the app uses the camera to identify the object and announce what it is to the user aloud.

  2. Magnifying Glass: Free on iTunes and for Android – Magnifying glass app can help those with visual impairments clearly zoom in or out on images, and provides a light to help illuminate dark text. It also features an image stabilizer, image capture, and a user-friendly interface.

  3. Voice Dream Reader: $9.99 on iTunes – Voice Dream Reader offers 36 voices (with an additional 100 available for a fee) in 20 languages that will read aloud from a wide variety of reading material (including web pages, emails, audiobooks, PDFs, and Word documents). The app lets you play and pause with ease, remember where you stopped reading and is highly customizable.

  4.  Dragon: Various on iTunes, Android, and Blackberry – Dragon apps let users dictate messages, searches, calendars, and more. With six apps available on three different devices, users can choose which app best suits their needs.

  5.  MyTalkTools: $99.99 or Free on iTunes; Free for Android – MyTalkTools offers full and lite versions of their app on iTunes, and has an additional version for Androids. The augmentative alternative communications app lets those limited communications express themselves through images, videos, or symbols accompanied by simple words and phrases. Users can customize their communication choices and style.

  6. My Choice Board: $9.99 on iTunes – Somewhat similarly to MyTalkTools, My Choice Board helps those with limited communication to express their needs and desires through a visual display of “choices.” Users choose images to correspond with choices, and caregivers can decide when certain choices are displayed as not available.

  7. Moody Me: Free on iTunes – Moody Me lets users track their moods, make note of factors that may affect it, and record any medications or treatments that may have an impact. Symptoms, treatments, and events can be used to track trends or changes in mood. Users can even keep a slideshow of pictures that make them happy to try to manage their mood.