101 Mobility

16 Valuable Pieces of Life Advice from the Elderly

May 29, 2014
An older man with glasses and gray hair touches a young boy's shoulder. The boy has blond hair and wears a white plaid shirt. They are indoors, with a neutral background.

It’s undeniable that the older and aging generation is seasoned with a particular type of wisdom that is unattainable at a younger age. When asked for life advice, members of the elderly community were eager to share their thought-provoking, heartwarming, and truly incredible opinions. Below are some of our favorites:

Travel! Life is too short to exist in one tiny corner of the world.

Stuff is just stuff. Hoard time instead.

Worrying doesn’t fix anything. Worry less and live more.

Constantly work each day to be a better you than you were yesterday.

The key to youth is moving around a lot. Take the stairs, carry your own stuff, and take a lap around the block.

Have humor. Smile. Laugh at yourself. You’ll be a lot happier.

Be kind. You never know what someone else is enduring.

Don’t forget to take care of yourself.

All of the mom-isms apply (floss, kindness, seatbelt), but there’s one thing more important: books. Read them. You live only one life, but through books, you can live hundreds more.

Work hard but live for your family.

Call your mother, your father, your siblings, your friends. Life gets so hectic that we forget  to check in and say ‘I love you.’ Don’t be part of that norm.

Never let your thirst for knowledge be quenched. Constantly seek education through personal experiences and books.

Experience is worth more than money will ever be. Spend your time creating experiences instead of buying more things.

When you wake up in the morning, think of one wonderful thing, even if yesterday was the worst day ever, and be thankful for it. Then, keep going.

Surround yourself with positive people and leave the situation when there’s complaining involved. Adjusting your attitude for the better does wonders.

Life shouldn’t be stressful or serious. Life should be enjoyed. Take time to laugh, sing, dance, and love.

From all of us at 101 Mobility, live well and long.